Monday, May 3, 2021

The Only Real Cure for COVD 19


The Only Real Cure for ,”COVD-19”

To understand the Cure for what they are calling COVD-19 will require a major mental paradigm shift in the understanding of Virus's, what they are and where they come from and how they operate. The current scientific model is virtually worthless in that it is focused entirely in the Physical aspects.....which is probably less then 1% of the actual Truth of virus's. I've written about this much before and for some background in rebuilding the new paradigm of understanding you can click this Link....

Before I propose the cure I must first talk about what virus's are.....the above link is also part of that aim.

A most concise definition, and Esoteric Truth is that Virus's are Mass Karma working itself out. A Virus is a Construct of mass mental and emotional agreement upon some Fear based notion that has nothing to do with what is True and Natural. A mass hatred towards one group or ideology for instance is a powerful creative energy that is not in line with any real Universal Truth and to be more clear it is contrary to the Natural Order of things. Reality...not the one of our mutual agreement, but rather the one that exists in pure form, entirely without our mutual agreements about it has a Pure Energy, a Pure Frequency …. When humanity begins to define Reality, through Fear or it's Children, (like Hatred, Lust, Envy, Greed etc.) this imposes aberrant frequencies upon the matrix of True Reality. These aberrant frequencies when maintained and defined in their different ways, are the seeds to what we call Virus's. Some religions like Science of Mind and Christian Science have recognized this, and all true healing modalities have this at their heart. A virus is built in what we call, “astral matter”. It is emotional and mental in nature and has an Etheric (energetic)Element based upon the nature of the mental/emotional nature. The actual physical part is minuscule compared to the astral/mental/etheric part. Mankind has virtually created all of it's Viral Diseases by a maintained agreement ,with Fear (and it's ,”Children”) at it's center that is at odds to the Frequency of Truth.....or of Nature. Now there is a very good question here, for those with good working minds, that might seem to contradict this notion.....but to address that here would only add more confusion....if a question comes to you, Please ask it. I'm not here to expect you to blindly accept what I am saying, as most folks will find difficulty in accepting this as it is beyond the ,”Normal” box we have been trained to live in.

So, virus's are a Creation of Mass Mental and Emotional agreements upon that with has no real Truth.......The longer the Agreement and the larger the number of folks making that agreement and the intensity that is put behind it, will dictate the strength of the Virus. This is the basic Law of Creation. Energy follows thought and emotion and Will. A Maintained Energy has no choice but to eventually manifest. This Law is behind what has been called, “the Law of Attraction”.

Anything that DOES NOT resonate with Nature, with unadulterated pure Truth.....creates Karma. Karma, is basically the Universal Law that Everything that is NOT True, must work itself back to Truth. Another way to put this is that, Karma is Restoring Unity from Duality.

So, humanity has created all of these ,”aberrant Frequencies” based upon their disconnection from Unity and Truth, based upon their Fears (and Fears Children) of the ,”other”. Fears of that separate thing over their or within themselves that they have Judged within Duality, that they have with their emotions and wills and minds defined into something that has no real Truth. These aberrant frequencies are the seeds of what Mankind has labeled virus's and the task of the Virus is to ,”work itself out”, to restore itself to a non-dualistic Truth. A virus is Mankind's Karma trying to work itself out. There is NO VACCINE for Mankind's Karma.

Now all these,”virus's” are more about Frequency then they are about some physical little thing we look at under our great big microscope that has some element of DNA in it's nature. We have to stop looking at the physical aspect and begin looking at the energetic aspect.

Don't worry, we will come to the cure, and it won't be a medicine, or a jab...It will be something you like. He he.

Now let's get to what they are calling ,”COVD-19” which we know has actually Never been scientifically ISOLATED. HMMM??? Gotta wonder about that huh?

This new virus isn't quite like others in that it was partially built in a lab from what Fauci sent to Wuhan when a moratorium was put on Weaponizing (OH, I mean attenuating) virus's in the US by President Obama. Not to be quelled in his evil designs Fauci sent it to the Wuhan Lab (with, as I understand it, 13 million US dollars) to have them continue his evil work there)...but I digress. So, they took a virus that already existed and messed with it. But here's the thing ASSHOLES. It doesn't work, all your efforts and all the money you spend are nothing compared to the will, and the emotion and mentality that created the original virus...It will Mutate back to it's original objective, every time. The Nature of a virus is to mutate as Mankind's …..energetic relationship to the original cause, changes. Is that clear as mud? As a virus passes through humanity it changes with every person it passes through, based upon their relationship with the original Cause of the works itself out through Humanity. As humanity becomes more in line with the aberrant frequencies it was built upon, it will grow stronger....but as humanity breaks free of the Fear based delusions that created the virus, it will become less virulent.

What about 5G, a lot of folks say there is an element there, seems far fetched?

OK, well. First of all don't think of 5G as a thing in of itself. Giving it a name like that folks think it is some defined thing, but the reality is a carrier....a means to transport frequencies that have been specifically defined to create certain effects.

Yes, 5G is very much a part of the,”epidemic” but is not the cause. We'll get back to this.

Now I need to talk about some astral realities since the major component of this ,”virus” is Astral. You could say that the astral nature of a virus is the Coloring, the defining principle. And what it defines is the etheric, or energetic expression....and what that eventually defines is some Physical Manifestation, the smallest part of the component , but the one we take most seriously, especially when it causes suffering and death.

Now, think about the condensation on a window in the winter, water droplets forming separately.....then they begin to merge together, then they become much bigger.....or, better yet, think of how crystals form. You can have a whole bunch of chemicals in a vat, and then throw in a seed crystal of one of those chemicals, and all the chemicals that are the same as that seed, in the solution, will be drawn to that seed and it will form a larger crystal, of all the same kind. Like draws to like in the astral world, just like that. It's all about resonance, about Frequency. Virus's work like this. Within all of us living here in Duality, there is Fear. In fact Fear had a lot to do with defining the Duality we live's at the heart of our has a certain resonance, certain frequencies, depending upon how it was defined....and maintained.. and these frequencies are like those water droplets or the crystal forming chemicals.....they draw to each other that which is like themselves....and grow. This is after all what creates a virus, and what creates an,”epidemic” of that virus.

Now lets get to the one they have created and used for their Nefarious purposes, and what we can do about it....

It's all about frequency.......a defined and embellished frequency, all built upon, at the very heart, some dualistic Fear. Now you must understand that every individual thought and emotion has in and of itself a unique Frequency....They do have the technology to know these frequencies and to project them on many levels. They understand and keep redefining the frequency of what they are calling COVD-19. There are many ways to do this. The constant barrage of defined Fear the Media has been tasked to push upon you, certain chemical compounds dropped from airplanes or put into you via a needle.....and frequencies broadcasted via,”5G”..All build and support the aberrant frequency of the Karma/Fear based creation known as COVD 19. And the more we accept their bombardment, the more the “like to like” comes into play, the more prone we are to contract” the disease.. The media with it's Fear pushing and defining of it, and all the other modalities they use to put us in an energetic state that will resonate with the actual ,”Virus” and put us at risk. I hate to tell you this, but all the symptoms can even be given to us, via the ,”5g” without us actually coming into contact with any viral particle...... SOOOO, CRAP.....what are we to do?

Well, first keep in mind that at the heart of it Fear. That is the key.

Why is it that the Homeless folks don't seem to have a problem, could it be that they aren't tuned into some Idiot box that is constantly trying to define a Fear in them....They have their own fears that don't fit the resonance of the one the Piggies are using against us. So, at the heart of the key to protecting ourselves is....Don't buy into the Fear, turn off the idiot boxes of Mind control, get rid of your Cell Phone and wireless router, or at least put your phone into some protective case and hard wire your internet..(to protect yourself from the broadcasted frequencies, and the words designed to control you in Fear....

And above all, like I've been saying for years, FEED THE JOY.....Have FUN, get together with friends that are HAVING FUN, don't get together and share Fear...Party on Dudes and Dudettes. Be Happy, Live Life Freely....spit in the Piggies Faces with your Joy......Resonate with Truth, get into Nature....Do everything they tell you NOT to , and do it joyfully... That is the Cure.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

The Culling

Time to wake up, because Sheeple Gonna Die.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

The Vaccine Scam and the Destruction of Human Health for Profit Chapter 1. The Scam of the Polio Vaccine

The Vaccine Scam and the Destruction of Human Health for Profit Chapter 1. The Scam of the Polio Vaccine

Okay, I have got to write about this. I've studied this subject for many years and could probably speak on it for a whole day. 
The public has been brainwashed, much to their detriment by the Big Pharma owned mainstream media into poisoning themselves and their children, ruining their health and sadly even the health of their future, possibly unvaxxed generations. 

If you vaccinate, I dare you to read this whole article and the links...... I dare you.

I want to ask Vaxxers some questions here to start out.

1. Is your ideology more important than the Health of Your Children and future generations.
2. How many actual studies have you read that support your belief in honest now.
3. How many hours have you spent reading research papers regarding vaccines.

And knowing the answers beforehand to these questions I want to ask,
Why are you think about it, then think about your answer.
It isn't based in pro vaccine studies (there aren't any).
It isn't based in extensive research (because if you had done this, you wouldn't vaccinate)
So please think deeply of your motivation.......

I'll tell you what it is,
A Fear fabricated by the Minions of Big Pharma.. and nothing more than this.

I've written a little about this vaccine lie before HERE on my Honest Whole Health blog, but that was some time ago before I learned even so much more about this evil threat to US ALL. 
I don't blame the vaxxers for supporting it, the fact is there is no such thing as an informed vaxxer.  "Informed Vaxxer" is an oxymoron, because just the smallest amount of Real research reveals how there is nothing to back up the Big Pharma and Mainstream media claims. 
Most Vaxxers listen to the News about "Measles and Pertussis Outbreaks", where the public is asked in urgent tones to go out and get vaccinated to stop these outbreaks. The educated folks that don't vaccinate are blamed for the spread of these diseases (lacking all logic). BUT HERE IS THE THING: What the Media does not deem important enough to pass along to you is the actual fact that in these outbreaks, the majority if not 100% of the cases that contract these diseases....WERE VACCINATED.  Very few non vaxxed people are getting these diseases, and on top of this, the vaxxed individuals are shedding the freaking diseases and spreading them.  (check the vaccine inserts even if you don't believe can Google them) But go ahead and read that Honest Whole Health post before continuing here. You can see for yourself in plain graphs what the Truth is. (Graphs that Big Pharma takes a tiny snippet out of to prove their claims, since they've never done any actual studies (that they'll admit to) comparing non vaxxed vs vaxxed individuals. NONE, ZERO studies.  Now that is Science.  But they will take ,out of the larger picture that shows that vaccinations made no difference, and in fact in most cases the implementation of vaccinations actually caused the incidence to rise)...they take out a few years that makes them look good..... but it's smoke and mirrors, and that post on Honest Whole Health will give you the Big Picture of what is really going on.
I haven't written about this much before for mainly two reasons. First is that I could write an entire book on the subject, but don't have that kind of time in my Life. And second, well, let me ask you this. What does a Vaxxer have in common with  a Neo Nazi, a Fundamentalist Christian, and a Muslim suicide bomber?........ 
The answer is that they are so hypnotized and secure in their Ideologies (which is a dangerous problem you can read about HERE ) that all the statistics, facts, research and Truth on the subject can not sway them.   So I have been very ....... hopeless feeling as I watch parents destroy the future health of their children, choosing to cling to their shallowly based ideologies, rather than simply doing some real honest research on the subject. 
The first reason is very daunting because like I say I've been studying this in depth for many years, and haven't even known where to start....... But last night I finally decided that the Polio Scam, being a pretty good archetype of the whole evil plot of vaccines, would be an excellent place to start, as this is the first place most Vaxxers go in their arguments for Vaccines. "If it wasn't for the Polio Vaccine there would be millions of people living in Iron Lungs."  
Now get ready to go down one Hell of a rabbit hole. 

Prior to the Polio Vaccine introduction in 1958, just about anything that caused paralysis....was called Polio. After the introduction of the polio vaccine in 1958, the CDC changed the definition of "polio." Cases of inflammation of the membrane that protects the brain and spinal neuron cells, causing muscular weakness and pain (but not paralysis) were no longer classified as "polio." They were to be referred to as aseptic meningitis, even if the "polio" virus was present. Reported cases of aseptic meningitis went from near zero to thousands, and Polio cases dropped by the same amount. Then later in 1958, the CDC changed the definition of "polio" AGAIN! All cases with classic polio paralytic symptoms were to be called acute flaccid paralysis,(later expanded to acute non-polio flaccid paralysis to make it even more distant from the Truth.)  In 1960 the CDC proclaimed that Polio had been "cured".   However they didn't mention that now all these other paralysis's went up in equal proportion. 
But here's another thing. When I was a kid in school they would line us up and dust us all over until we were covered with DDT and other nasty pesticides.....they flew over our town dumping huge amounts of this toxin on us and didn't quit until the sacred American Eagle became endangered because of it.  Funny thing was how the cases of "Polio" went up in a direct correlation with these dusting and spraying schedules.
So basically anything that caused paralysis or inflammation of the membrane that protects the brain and spinal neuron cells, causing muscular weakness and pain, prior to the vaccines, was called Polio. Then they came out with the vaccine, reclassified the definition of Polio to being only caused by the wild strain (which was really no big deal), here's a quote on that, "Here is also one very important factor, that many don’t consider when engaging in the polio discussion. The natural form of polio never attacked the nervous system. Look at animals in nature who come in contact with this virus and you will not see the plague we humans faced. Why is this? Well, when we naturally come in contact with viruses in nature, our body has a natural filtration system that protects viruses from crossing into our nervous system, or the blood brain barrier. This is why most people experienced flu like symptoms, or even milder symptoms when they came in contact with the Polio virus. When we go on to “inject” that same virus, we are literally bypassing that protective system. Thus, giving the virus a chance to attack our nervous system. This is so hard for people to grasp, but when we eliminate nature from the process of building our immune system, we eliminate the safe design God build us with. Our own internal shield."
So real Polio , what they now classified as Polio became instantly magically "Cured" simply by re-classifying the definition of Polio, while all other diseases (that were previously labeled Polio), were now renamed and went up in equal proportion to what they were now calling Polio, went down.  Magic huh.  You know I think I'll cure cancer by reclassifying it as only caused by some bite from some unknown and yet undiscovered insect in Africa..... Magic Cure, nobody anywhere is getting that, Cancer cured by Jeff Wilson in 2018..
So with all these folks getting "Polio" most likely from the pesticides they were being drowned in, the Government had to do something about it.  That's where good old Salk and his vaccine came in. He was tasked with coming up with a Vaccine against Polio. Now this guy was a genius, top of his field. So he went right to it, got the Polio virus and created a vaccine for it.  They freakin inoculated everyone.. But HMMM??? even with the reclassification and the removal of the toxic pesticides from the Market that were probably causing most of it.....people kept getting it. 
"They are getting it from the Vaccine!!!"
This must have been a difficult discovery for Salk, but he had Integrity and with a bunch of other top Scientists in the field ,
almost 20 years after the first polio inoculations, in 1977, Salk testified before a senate subcommittee that ALL polio outbreaks since 1961 were caused by the oral polio vaccine. In 1985, the CDC reported that 87% of the cases of polio in the USA between 1973 and 1983 were caused by the vaccine and most of the reported cases occurred in fully immunized individuals. Alarmingly, the CDC admitted that the polio vaccine is the only known cause of polio in the USA Today.
I saw a black and white video clip of Salk going before the Senate Committee with all these other Scientists.  Sitting next to the Chairman, whispering in his ear the whole time, was a Big Pharma Lobbyist.   
Did the Science win, did the committee listen to the scientists that created the vaccine and were tops in their Field.  Nope, they listened to Big Money....and kept vaccinating.  
OUCH.   So, the vaccine was causing the Polio.  
 Good old Bill Gates goes to India with his Eugenics ...I mean Health/vaccination program and vaccinates as many as he can.....killing 47,500 people. But you know, they didn't die from Polio, they died from "non-polio flaccid paralysis (caused by the vaccine)..... so the Polio rates went down thanks to good ol Bill and Melinda.  I think India tried to sue them, but I'm sure the right people were paid off.
So we had basically a non-disease caused most likely by pesticides, that magically disappears when it is reclassified and the pesticides are no longer sprayed on the masses (thank you American Eagle).....  and the poor masses are led to believe it was because of a vaccine which was the only real cause of Polio.....
But that's not the end of it.
One of Salks partners discovered that, OOPS, we put a live cancer causing virus in the vaccine that we gave to was supposed to be dead, but OOPS, wasn't. This was named SV40, Simeon Virus 40.  This virus would cause cancer in humans. So he tells the Government about his discovery.   Did the public hear about it?  Nope, not for years because the government wanted to weaponize it, specifically at the time to use against Castro. It was finally admitted publicly. 
So if you are in my age group and get Cancer, you just might be able to thank your Polio Vaccine for that.
In the last 10 years or so, I've heard on the News like maybe 3 times them talking about some Mystery disease a bunch of folks were getting....they go on to describe Polio symptoms ..... then you never hear another broadcast about it, all mention of it deleted from their web sites)....
Here's the thing folks. The only thing causing "Polio" is the vaccine.....and they are still pushing it.
This is just typical of the vaccine lie. Big money owns the Pharmaceutical companies and the media that pushes it.
The Rockafellers BOUGHT "modern medicine" way back when, and turned the "Medical Schools" into Big Pharma Indoctrination Centers.  It isn't that your Doctor is Evil and pushing slow death (sometimes fast) upon you, it's what they have been hypnotized into believing in their indoctrination centers.  Google the Rockafeller buy out of Modern Medicine if you don't believe me.   They literally forced the schools to throw out any curriculum dealing with the actual causes of diseases and made them focus on Treating Symptoms with costly (profitable) man made chemicals. 
If you care about your Children and the Future of Humanity please watch the documentary series,"the Truth about Vaccines".   You will not vaccinate after seeing the Truth. 

Do you actually trust the CDC?
Do you know there is a revolving door between the CDC and Big Pharma...Google it, it'll blow your mind.
Do you know the CDC did a study to prove for Big Pharma that there was no Vaccine/Autism link, OOPS, they discovered one...BUT since they are totally BOUGHT decided to actually have a party and literally BURN the hard copy of the study.... They didn't count on one guy having integrity and keeping a copy and blowing the whistle on them.  They got busted, there were Senate hearings NOBODY heard about...and they got their wrist quietly slapped....

This is the tip of the iceberg, I'm not sure if I'll write more or not, my life is very very busy just surviving and living in Integrity which sadly is so lacking now in the world. Most folks acting on Fear, and not on their Souls Guidance. Which I can totally understnad as that Fear is thrust upon them (to control them) from so many directions, and permeates most of their input with which they define themselves in the world.  
It's time to Defeat Fear with Truth.
Research deeply all the things they thrust upon your consciousness to keep you in a tiny box that they can easily manipulate....
It'll be daunting, but is the only thing that can save this world.

Here are some awesome Links:
200 years of actual statistics "Vaccines did Not Save Us"
You know how you hear the pundits saying there are no studies showing an Autism/Vaccine link? 

Friday, February 12, 2016

The Culling

April 22,2121
Looking Back to 2021

This was a day that stands in Infamy. 
The majority of the population had had their minds made incapable of rational thought, via the poisoning of the water supply with the Toxin Fluoride, the Air via Chemtrails,
the artificial substances they called,"food" back then, and the mind control device that sat in most of their living rooms.
What they had named the "educational system" was merely an indoctrination system that programmed the masses to be willing slaves to 1% of the population.
They were then convinced that injecting the most toxic substances on the planet into their bodies was somehow good for them..
(I know, this is hard to believe, but historical records show that this is true.)
This prepared them for what has been called the "Culling" by historians.
This was when their President Bill Gates claimed that a deadly virus was going to destroy most of the human race if EVERYONE did not become vaccinated against it.
They started with the children..
And the people lined up like Sheep to the Slaughter.

What they didn't know at the time was that a very deadly slow working virus was being injected into them.
80% of the worlds population was "Culled".
In 2022 President Gates claimed success of the Program.

Luckily there were a few that did not partake.
The took care of their bodies and health.
They hid out in the mountains.
The revolt against the Sickly Elite lasted 50 years.
In 2073 The Patriots started a new System
for helping the masses that they Called Democracy.
Each person had an equal voice in the decisions that would affect them all.
The One Main Law was:
Do no Harm.
This was the beginning of our current society,
where there is no poverty, no sickness,
no pharmaceutical Companies, or Banks.
Where all humans are treated with equal respect,
and given equal opportunity.

From the Dark Roots in Evil
Serving the Profits of a few...

Our Sacred Way has blossomed. 

We are the One
We are the Many
We are the One !!

Saturday, January 30, 2016


Sad....But True


"Medical Profession"
Does not
Sick Folks.

the Dis ease
of those sick folks...

Wouldn't it be Cool if the medical system,
quit serving the Pharmaceutical Industry...
And worked to Heal the Dis ease
of Humanity..

By simply doing what needs to be done
to make the body Healthy...

And there are ZERO Pharmaceuticals
in that equation..

C'mon Doctors
Stand up against your Owners..


Once upon a time...
The Doctors were Healers.

I say we rehabilitate the Drug Dealer Doctors
and turn em into Healers. 
Get them to give up,
Big Pharma...
And actually

What is wrong with Doctors?

Well, First of all...They don't know.
Their curriculum in the Big Pharma Indoctrination Institutes ....better known as 
"Medical School"...
Hypnotizes em...


And they do...
And the destruction wreaked by this 
is Vast and multi Generational...
And can even pass through us
to our kids
and grand kids.....
If there still is such a thing by then.

Time to Trust 
What is


Friday, November 13, 2015

Raise your Baby like a Heathen Barbarian.

Taryn recently read a book called the Continuum Concept, and related some of the ideas from it to me. This is a book written by a woman who visited various Indigenous tribes in South America, and found that they had the happiest most well adjusted babies and children she had ever seen, far different than the Children Civilization is breeding.   Some of the ideas that she talked about, and the fact that my wonderful daughter just had a beautiful little baby boy, got me thinking about the subject, and how "Civilization" has lost touch with Nature and the Natural way of raising our babies and children. 
One of the most insane and counter productive "civilized" parenting ideas, (most likely devised by some "Father" that realized that having a child meant time and attention taken away from them) is that a baby needs to be left alone sometimes, and letting it cry itself to sleep will somehow train it to live in the "real" world.  The reality is all this does is create children and adults that feel disconnected, that feel alone....that do not feel loved, and that lack a firm foundation. (Believe me, this is the style I was raised under.)
Those Uncivilized Heathens, (the ones with the babies that never cry, don't have emotional issues and grow into healthy moral naturally good humans) know that babies need to be Held, be touched....all the time, every moment until THEY decide they don't need it. Contrary to "Civilized" thought, this will not create needy whiny little pain in the butts....(those are created by following the "Civilized" approach). 
Babies need to know where you are all the time,(and to a baby that is right up against your body). Leaving a baby alone terrorizes it, and the fact that it may eventually stop crying, does not mean that the terror is gone, it simply means that the child has given up on you as being there for them....and this is built into the foundation of who they will be as a young child , a teen and as an adult. They can not depend on you.  So we end up with a "Civilization" where it's, "every man for himself"...where community and family are just words...and people feel alone and isolated. We end up with a "Civilization" of  Disconnected, Perpetually Needy (and therefore Greedy and Fearful) Individuals.
Another Insane and truly Barbaric Civilized Belief has to do with Feeding the baby. 
Scheduling feedings is about as wise an idea as attempting to tell a leaf when it's time to fall from the tree. There is one expert source for when a Mother is to Feed her baby, and that is the Baby. And there is one expert source, the ONLY expert source of when to stop feeding the baby....and that is also the baby.  Any other source really has no freakin clue and their motives for attempting to control something as uncontrollable as the TIDES, the Seasons and the orbit of planets, are questionable . 
Of course those well adjusted Heathen kids also didn't eat Civilized CRAP or get filled with Toxins from every angle possible either...and diet and lifestyle are the next most important thing to raising a decent human to actually holding them, and fulfilling all their needs. 
There is a Natural Way to do things, most "Civilized" humans have lost their connection with what is Natural and Healthy.... they listen to "experts" whose heads are firmly planted in their dumb asses...... and everybody and everything suffers.  There is really just one answer to raising healthy kids...and being healthy ourselves....and that boils down to......opting out of Civilization and becoming a "Heathen Barbarian." Join the Club before we "Civilize" ourselves into oblivion. 

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

They Don't "Get It"

One of the main problems with the Pharmaceutical Industry, aside from the Greed, is....they simply don't "get it".
Health is not the temporary lack of symptoms.
 It can not be found in a pill or vaccine. 
The main problem I see is that 99.9% of the time they treat symptoms.....
 But not the cause of the symptoms.. 

"His problem is just a chemical imbalance, 
and we have the technology to fix that imbalance."


The question is,
 and the only way health will be regained is by asking,
"What caused the imbalance, and how do we fix that."

They don't ask this because generally the answer is,
Quit ingesting CRAP, including Pharmaceuticals.
Our whole "system" would crumble if people addressed the main causes of their distress...
 which is Consuming vast amounts of CRAP the body is not built for.
No, we never adjust to these un natural doesn't happen.
Our bodies attack them, attempt to neutralize them... and in this process bi products are created.
Normally, in a real natural world these bi products would be minimal... 
Not so in the world today, we are so full of crap that our bodies can't deal with it and not only do we become loaded with these toxic substances, but just as hazardous to our health...we become overcome by the Bi-Products of our bodies attempts to neutralize the toxins.  
This is at the heart of AutoImmune disease, autism spectrum disorders....and heart disease.  
We no longer have our natural immunity from a Healthy gut, having been destroyed by Pharmaceuticals and various other chemicals and toxins that are in the ...products that have been mis-labeled as "food", and are consumed by the masses. Vaccines further destroy our natural immunity and GMO's have a nasty property of carrying toxic substances through the gut wall which would not make that journey if not encapsulated within the GMO.  
We live in a toxic soup where the chemicals used to make a few folks richer, make the majority sicker.  Our Laziness and fact that we're hypnotized to believe all the things that destroy our health....are good for us, has created a new generation of sickly idiots, who still reach out to their enemy.......for salvation.