One of the main problems with the Pharmaceutical Industry, aside from the Greed, is....they simply don't "get it".
Health is not the temporary lack of symptoms.
It can not be found in a pill or vaccine.
The main problem I see is that 99.9% of the time they treat symptoms.....
But not the cause of the symptoms..
"His problem is just a chemical imbalance,
and we have the technology to fix that imbalance."
The question is,
and the only way health will be regained is by asking,
"What caused the imbalance, and how do we fix that."
They don't ask this because generally the answer is,
Quit ingesting CRAP, including Pharmaceuticals.
Our whole "system" would crumble if people addressed the main causes of their distress...
which is Consuming vast amounts of CRAP the body is not built for.
No, we never adjust to these un natural doesn't happen.
Our bodies attack them, attempt to neutralize them... and in this process bi products are created.
Normally, in a real natural world these bi products would be minimal...
Not so in the world today, we are so full of crap that our bodies can't deal with it and not only do we become loaded with these toxic substances, but just as hazardous to our health...we become overcome by the Bi-Products of our bodies attempts to neutralize the toxins.
This is at the heart of AutoImmune disease, autism spectrum disorders....and heart disease.
We no longer have our natural immunity from a Healthy gut, having been destroyed by Pharmaceuticals and various other chemicals and toxins that are in the ...products that have been mis-labeled as "food", and are consumed by the masses. Vaccines further destroy our natural immunity and GMO's have a nasty property of carrying toxic substances through the gut wall which would not make that journey if not encapsulated within the GMO.
We live in a toxic soup where the chemicals used to make a few folks richer, make the majority sicker. Our Laziness and fact that we're hypnotized to believe all the things that destroy our health....are good for us, has created a new generation of sickly idiots, who still reach out to their enemy.......for salvation.
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