Saturday, February 28, 2015

Fool me Once, Call me Trusting. Fool me Twice, Call me Stupid

They told us Smoking was OK...
Based upon scientific studies.
How many millions died of Lung Cancer?

They told us to give up Natural Oils
and replace them with Big Ag's waste Products.
They based that upon one of the most flawed
 "scientific" studies ever.
 In fact they built an industry around this,
 "Discovery," that eating foods high in Cholesterol ,
 caused Heart Disease.

So they told us to eat "Vegetable Oils".

And the heart health of the nation and world plummeted.

They knew the Science was Bad....

And you know what,
 they still know,
 and they are still trying to sell it to you.

Statin Drugs are a gazillion dollar a year industry.
Those educated "doctors" that still push this long ago disproved Theory.... 
Don't have negative intentions.

They have simply been trained by Big Pharma 
in the Guise of "Medical School".

I think it's time we quit listening to these,"Experts"
 and do our own research. 
 The information is out there.

In my wonderful Happy Place
 I'd like to believe the Powers that Be
 are destroying the health of the masses
 out of Simple Disgusting
That's in my Happy Place.

I'm afraid the Truth might be worse than that.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Just a little Fictional tale???? Maybe

Wolf: Sir, I'm afraid our program of population reduction has come up with a few Glitches.
Piggie: Just what do you mean?
Wolf: Well some of the Sheep have refused to accept the Programming and are researching things beyond what we have fed them through our media and educational outlets.
Piggie: But I just had a report from our worker in Africa, he say's the "polio eradication program" has resulted in 47,500 deaths.
I realize we got less than we expected from Aids and Ebola, but isn't the vaccination program, our hallmark effort, producing the results we had wanted to achieve?
Wolf: This is the area of my concern sir, certainly we have eradicated millions, and as per the Plan we have done it slowly not to gain attention, and the profits we are making off of our Pharmaceutical and Medical industries are staggering, But there is a considerable slow down with people becoming informed.
Piggie: But isn't our program of instilling fear in the Sheep working, have we not successfully made these informed non-sheep appear to be "conspiracy nuts" We have spent millions to do so and have our propaganda outlets working very hard at this.
Wolf: I'm afraid sir that it hasn't been enough.
Piggie:  Well just buy a few more Congressmen and make the program mandatory, make it mandatory that everyone poison their children.
Wolf: We are attempting to do so sir, but I'm afraid it isn't going as well as we had hoped, there are just too many actual facts we have not been able to quell .
Piggie:  But what about our war creation program, isn't that going quite well.
Wolf: Oh yes sir, we have the Christians fearing the Muslims, the Muslims fearing the Christians, the bulk of the wolrd fearing the Americans....and we've armed all sides very well and the killing is going along quite as planned.
Piggie: Well I just don't see the problem.
Wolf: Well sir, it's those darn Anti Vaxxers, they are just too well informed. We've spent millions in the social media groups with our Trolls trying to discredit them, but all we can do is attack their character or cherry pick bits of data that reflect the lie we're attempting to perpetrate. Unfortunately sir, facts are facts... 
Piggie:  Don't worry, we've been leading the sheep around by their noses for hundreds of years, we get them to murder their brothers, poison their children, and all the while they are convinced that they are doing this for their God and Country. Have no fear little Wolfie....we've got it covered.
Wolf:  I'm not so sure sir.

Monday, February 23, 2015

The Pig Bharma's and their Sheep

Once upon a time on a world far away named Planet Dearth,
 there were these evil creatures called 
Pig Bharmas. 

 They lived in the bogs 
where few people ever saw them.
However they controlled almost everything
 in the world around them.
With their buddies the Ig Boil,
and the Ig Bag
They controlled the media,
 the government,
the "educational system,"

and hence peoples minds.

But this story is just about the Pig Bharma's

The name they had for the people that they so looked down upon,
that were actually the Food they Consumed,
was the "Sheep".

Pig Bharma's were huge, big and Fat,
because the sheep literally flocked to them to be eaten.
The Pig Bharma's only had to convince the Sheep of three things.

OH, did I mention that this world was a place of beauty, 
but all mixed in to the beauty were these Deep dark Bogs.

Well the three things that the Pig Bharma's  and their buddies convinced the Sheep to be true were:
1. The Bogs were not Dangerous
 and great treasures lay there.
2. Hemp was evil.
3. Hero's were not to be trusted

The funny, or I should say scary thing was that the Pig Bharma's had so controlled the minds of the sheep, that they didn't even have to explain their assertions.
The sheep blindly accepted whatever they were told, no matter how contrary to common sense these things were.
So every day the following scenario played out over and over again.
A Sheep would wander into the bog,
searching for this promised treasure.
Invariably he'd get stuck in the mud and start being pulled under.

Well there was a group of people on planet Dearth,
who shunned the media,
 the educational system, 
and the government,
hence they had not been Hypnotized.

These were the Hero's.

And it was their lifelong goal,
to save as many of the sheep from the grinding jaws of the Pig Bharma's.

Well of course the Pig Bharma's had labeled them all sorts of negative things; 
afraid they might awaken some of the Sheep, and interfere with their food supply.

So the Hero's kept somewhat hidden,
and went about their work of trying to snatch the Sheep from the Long slow  Deaths that were the Grinding Teeth of the Pig Bharma's.

So every day they would venture into the bog and attempt to save the Sheep.
They had ropes with a thousand strong strands to pull the sheep out of the bog.
Just one of these strands would be strong enough on it's own.
But the hero's took no chances.
They would venture into the bog, 
staying on the firm ground,
and approach the sheep sinking there.

The following is the scenario that played out over and over.

Hero: Hello Mr. Sheep, I'm here to rescue you.
Sheep: (Slowly Sinking)... No Need, I'm fine.... The bog is perfectly safe.
Hero:  Don't you hear those gnashing of teeth below you?
Sheep: (sinking a little deeper) I'm sure it's nothing.  I Know I'm safe, the Government and television and radio all told me I am perfectly safe.
Hero:  Well you are not, look, you are about to go under.
Sheep: Well I'm sure that is where the treasure is.
Hero: It isn't, you will soon be eaten by the Pig Bharma's.
At that point on of the Pig Bharma's teeth scratched the Sheeps foot, and he thought...
Sheep: "Hmm, could this Hero be right,
 no, hero's are deluded fools, conspiracy nuts.... but maybe". Well I suppose I could let him pull me out for a moment, I can always go back later and get my treasure."
Sheep:  Well OK, pull me out.
Hero:  Here, I'll throw you my rope of a thousand strands... Just one would save you, but this is guaranteed.
Sheep: What is that rope made of?
Hero:  It's the finest and strongest hemp.
Sheep:  Never mind, I'll stay here.

And he sank into the grinding Jaws of a Pig Bharma.

And the Hero sat down and cried.
Day after day the sheep chose to believe the programming, over the strong rope of a thousand strands.
Each strand was a Truth that could on it's own save the sheep.
But not a single strand would they accept, because deep within their hypnosis, they had accepted the lies of the Pig Bharma's

And slowly sank to a miserable death.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Three Bodies and Healing

Our Three Bodies and Healing

Our Three Bodies

The further humans became "civilized"
the more they became disconnected from the 
totality of what they are. 
Most folks have completely lost touch
 with two of their three bodies.
For the most part they are not known,
or are totally misunderstood.

You see, humans are no longer subtle beings..
Very few even have the ability to quiet themselves
emotionally and mentally.

And two of our bodies...
are very subtle.
So I'm going to talk about all three of the human's bodies,
but will focus on the one's that most folks don't understand
or have a conscious connection to.

It's not our fault that we become disconnected
the whole society were are brought up in..
is disconnected,
seems intent on maintaining that disconnection...
and maybe we'll eventually discuss the reasons for this.
But now let's just get into it.
OK, the Three bodies are the 
Physical Body,
The Etheric Body
and the Astral Body.
(Some folks might include The Mental Body,
but we aren't going to here.) 
Each is equally real...
equally vital in the Life of the Human.

The Physical body we all know about.
It's a collection of glands, and organs, and muscles and bones...etc.
This is the one most humans are aware of...
So let's talk about the Etheric Body.
The Etheric body is the energetic body that underlies the physical.
This is what people can see, 
called the Aura.
(although to be totally accurate the Aura is the Etheric body, colored by the Astral body.)
The Etheric body is the body Acupuncturist's 
and energy healers deal with.
Healing is much more effective on the etheric level,
than it is on the physical,
since the Etheric is at the root of the Physical.
Treating a branch of a tree that is dying because the roots are bad....
is really an effort in futility.
So treating a physical problem on the physical level,
is not as effective as treating it on an Etheric/energy level.
Think of Etheric as energetic.
 The Etheric body is generally like a Cacoon
made of this Web of Light.
And within the Etheric body there are
Centers that have correspondence
 to Glands and organs in the Physical Body. 
And on it's own you could say that the Etheric body 
is built upon Clear Light.
But just as the Etheric body is at the root of the Physical body....
 so the Astral Body,
colors the Etheric body..   
The Etheric body feeds the Physical body...
The quality of the Physical body
is determined by the quality of the Etheric Body...
AND, the quality of the Etheric body, 
is determined by the Astral Body. 
Astral Body:
So the Astral body....
 I think is sometimes called the
Emotional Body.
The astral body is built primarily upon judgments..
Dualistic notions that were derived in the souls search for a separate identity...
as is it's task for the first part of it's evolution.
And judgments came about during the process of
chasing desire...
and shunning fear.
Or you could say,
Seeking Pleasure,
and avoiding Pain.
All the emotional pains we have stored away through the ages
are stored in our Astral Bodies.
And some of these emotional pains
are the result of physical harms,
that frightened us deeply,
or angered us strongly.  
The Astral Body has also been called,
"the body of Desire"
but this definition is incomplete to most folks understanding because it surmises that folks understand that
behind every desire...
there is a Fear.
So it would be more accurate to call it,
a body of desire...and fear.
Now as I said this Astral Body
colors the Etheric body..
It reflects in the Etheric body.
which in turn reflects in the Physical body. 
Most human disease originates in the Astral Body.
This is why simply treating a physical problem,
on a physical level..
is not the best approach.
And even though energy healers are more effective than Physical healers...
they still seldom get to the roots of the problem.

So Doctors treat the physical body
energy healers, acupuncturists, reiki masters treat the Etheric...
And I suppose you could say phychologists
via the mind which is tied to the astral body,
treat that... 
Although the method is a roundabout way
 due to it's reliance upon the mind.
Meditation and self reflection are also two means of healing the Astral Body.
When I was young my Teachers taught me a method of 
flooding the Astral Body with pure White Light.
This exposed and enlightened areas of distortion.
Every judgment we have made, 
every anger we hold, 
every fear and guilt and lust ...
that lives in our Astral bodies,
many are centuries old...
and many are not merely of our own creation,
but rather Group created.
 These reflect in our Etheric bodies.
That which we repress...
denies the etheric body of it's allotted energy,
in the corresponding area to where it lives in the Astral body.
And we repress everything we fear.
We repress our guilt, our shame, 
and thanks to ,"the Church"
sometimes our desire.  
Every intense desire...
overfeeds a corresponding area in the Etheric body,
with energy.
And where the energy has been drastically amplified
or drastically reduced in the Etheric body,
A disease (or even an accident)
 will eventually manifest in the physical body.  
When we repress our desire we get a very dangerous disease causing situation.
First the Desire is am amplification of energy..
Repression is a denial of energy.
If we deny something really really big.
It'll eventually hurt us. 
If we pretend there is no elephant in the room
it'll eventually sit on us, and kill us.
Now Desire has it's place
Right alongside Fear..
in guiding the Evolution of the Soul
during the first part of it's evolution. 
As it is The seeking of Pleasure (desire)
and shunning of Pain (Fear)
that guides us to find our unique separate expression
 in the Whole of Us.    
But most folks reading this,
certainly if you have gotten this far....
have already past the point in your souls evolution
where you are seeking that unique separate expression..
And now are on the return trip,
back to Oneness.
And on that return trip we are finding and facing
all those judgments grown out of that 
dualistic Quest through Pleasure and Pain ,
that had hitherto defined who we were...
But alas,
also dictated our physical
 and emotional health issues.  
We are not in perfect health because once upon a time
we judged things in the world
through our pain, and pleasure.
And those things took root...
And even though they were buried in a body 
we had become too dense to be aware of....
they still effected us on multiple levels.
And they will
until they are Illuminated
and allowed to return to what they really are...
beyond our judgments.    
Once we come to realize that there is really nothing External to us..
That everything is Reflected within us...
And we can cease the dualistic game we've been playing
of judging every single thing that has come before us
since the beginning of our Time..
And once we can allow all things to exist..
without our Judgments attached to them...
Then we can find Balance and Health.       

The Ultimate Truth

The Ultimate Truth

OK Here IT is in very simple Terms.

People look here and there for the Ultimate Truth. 

They fight and Battle for their ideas about the Truth .

BUT the TRUTH is...


Every Single thing that exists, every person, every animal, every thought, every emotion, every idea, every belief, EVERY THING.
At it's Fullest
With Every other thing...

That is the Ultimate Truth

So stop your silly arguing and Fighting
Because the Fact is that in the Real Picture
Your “Truth” has equal Validity
With Everyone Else's.
And until the Truths of Everything at their Fullest
are Combined....
We will be unable to Have Peace Within
Or Peace on Earth


This is the Ultimate Truth.

The Two Styles of Science...Idiot Science and Real Science

The Two Styles of Science...Idiot Science and Real Science

The Two Styles of Science

I've been meaning to write about this for some time.
Recent conversations have urged this forward.
There are two very distinct and Different forms that Science takes.

There is the one we are taught in schools and Universities.
I call this one,
Idiot Science.

I call it this because the more one becomes
in this form.
The more disconnected they become,
from the Simple Truth.
Idiot Science, or
"Forward Thinking Science"
is a method where the mind is utilized.
It accumulates data.
It collects and relates this data and comes to conclusions,
based upon the data.
It adds these conclusions to the existing conclusions,
and calls this Science.
Data+Data=Conclusion+Conclusion= "Knowledge".
This is the Science that is responsible
for Scientific Knowledge.
A forward application of the Mental Principle,
creating conclusions based upon perceived (or theorized) data.
And these "Idiot scientists" will point out to you,
all the great advances that have been made based on idiot Science.
They will not however point out how virtually all of these
so called "advancements" 
came with a price.
And that price has been the destruction of human,
plant and animal overall health...
and the health of the planet we live on.

Antibiotics are great...BUT
they have destroyed the gut 
and natural Immunity
 of almost the entire human and domesticated animal population, 
and created Superbugs that can't be touched.

Well, let's not go into that....
But have caused far more harm than good.

All the crap put in food for one reason or another...
in the water for one reason or another,
in the Air and on our bodies....
Killing us slowly..
Thank you Idiot Science.

And then we have the Idiot Scientists
 at the AMA and FDA and WHO,
 telling us how we should eat to be healthy.

Idiot Science is responsible for most of the human suffering
 that isn't caused by war or famine.
Although much of the famine is the result of Idiot Science
destroying the fertility of the land with chemicals.

So this is the most common form of "Science"
Now let's talk about the other form,
"Real Science." 

There have been some amazing "real scientists"
Einstein, Tesla, Burbank,
Gandhi,Martin Luther King.
Yep, even those dudes.

Real Science works in the opposite direction of Idiot Science.
It is not a matter of combining current data with past data and coming to conclusions.
It is a matter of observing backwards through the pattern
 of any given thing,
to understand it's true Nature.
Idiot science by it's process takes us further from the True Nature of Things
Where Real Science takes us to the heart of the true Nature of things.
Idiot science is mental manipulations.
Real Science removes the Mind from the observer,
and only uses it as a translator
once the Truth has been mindlessly observed.
Everything we can perceive
and even things we can't...
has a pattern.
Real Science takes what is perceived
and follows it's pattern back to it's beginning.
This is the only way a Truth can be known.
Idiot science gives us Ideas about the Truth.
Real Science gives us direct perception of the Truth.
Idiot science brings us Knowledge.
Real Science brings us Wisdom.

Real Science in a word is
Not what we have been taught by the idiot scientists
that contemplation is,
Namely the mulling over of data in our minds.
This is not Contemplation.
In contemplation our minds are silent.
In contemplation we employ Intention
for focus,
and our hearts
for clear vision.
The Truth of a thing is not the ideas we have about things.
The Truth is what is at the center of things,
and we perceive it through our hearts....
Then use our minds to translate it into something we can communicate.

Idiot Science is all about the mind.
Real Science is about the Will, and Love.

You can always tell an idiot scientist because
 they are about as far from Nature in their thinking
 as one can become.
They are disconnected from Simple Truth,
but can do all kinds of mental calisthenics
to make their ideas appear valid.
They can give you a whole bunch of reasons why
shooting the most toxic substances into a healthy human body
to "protect" it from some possible future discomfort,
is a good idea.
Insane and totally disconnected from Nature,
 yet to their Idiot Science,
it makes perfect sense.

The funny thing is that when you look to the Heart of things,
as with Real Science,
you gain a view of the Big Picture.
Idiot Science reduces the size of the picture,
to small ideas about the picture.

It's time we start teaching Real Science in Schools.
Teach how to return to Nature...
Nature knows it all,
Idiot Science just has lame ideas about it.
Teach how to learn the Truth,
not ideas about the Truth.

There is a catch even with Real Science,
and that is that to communicate it,
to share it...the Mind must be employed as a translator.
And every time we employ the mind to the Truth,
it becomes distorted.
BUT, if we taught Real Science..
Contemplation to the masses,
the masses could perceive the Truth on their own,
and not rely on someone else to tell them what it is.

Idiot Science has brought the planet to the Brink of Destruction.
Real Science could save it.

Learn to Contemplate.
Learn to quietly Focus.

Real Science is Incredibly exciting,
for one thing because,
at the heart of everything we Contemplate...
is, for the lack of a better word
And to be one with God
which is the end result of contemplation
 is ,
well the most exciting blissful thing possible for a human being.

And yes 
it is entirely possible. 

Maybe this is why Idiot Science Reigns,

Religion has long kept us apart from God

and shrouded us in little ideas about God. 

It is time to switch from Ideas about the Truth...

To perception and participation WITH Truth.

I suppose this is also a key difference between Idiot and Real Science...

Real Science is Direct Participation WITH
the Truth of a thing.

Let's save the World from the Idiot Scientists,

And Quietly Focus.


The Letters after the name denote My Personal Importance in the overall scheme of things... and my total worth as a human being..
So listen carefully, those are a lot of letters...

They mean, Normal Guy.....Hates Bullshit,....Don't ask what they mean....Likes Food Lots (actually I have so many degrees I forgot what LFL means....AND, Left Handed Guy.

Silly Humans, A Plants Perspective

Silly Humans

Ha Ha Ha Ha

Silly Humans

Did you know that humans are convinced they are the the most highly advanced superior species on planet Earth..

No, I mean seriously.
They Do.
Ha a ha ha..
Ouch, hurt myself laughing.

How they came to this hilarious conclusion is something to ponder.

Possibly it's because they are the only species
 that murders it's own kind
for fun and profit..

Maybe it's because they have figured out 
as many ways as possible
 to disconnect from the rest of the natural world...
and still survive...... barely.

And they look down on us lowly plants
 because they exist at such a low frequency,
 that they can't even hear us.
Not even when we are warning them.
Not even when we are screaming
 as they poison ALL of US,
including themselves.
Very few of them can truly feel each other,
the way we do.
Very few of them feel the Connection
as we do.
We were on this planet long before they were,
and doing quite well.
We can survive and thrive quite nicely
 without them..
But without us 
they would Perish very quickly.

Silly Humans.

In their great knowledge they have lost Connection.
They don't hear us...
But we hear them..
Ha ha ha ha ....

They have drawn imaginary lines on our Home ..
And they fight over these lines and murder each other.
They have drawn imaginary lines in their beliefs
(which are generally half baked)
and they fight and kill over these lines.
And the most "Civilized" of them
 are all Slaves to their beliefs.
They follow like sheep,
shepherds of their own fabrication...
They create systems they call government and religion
which they allow to control them,
losing the direction of their own souls...
Disconnected from Each other
and us.
And in their disconnection from their own souls,
and their disconnection from US ALL...
they destroy this floating paradise that we all share...

From a Plants perspective
 humans are indeed superior in one thing.


So next time you look down on us lowly plants,
 silly human,
understand that we know what you are thinking...
we know what you are feeling and what your immediate intentions are.... even when you do not.
We hear you, even when you can not hear us...

We dream of the day when you will Wake Up
and join US ALL.