Big Pharma's henchmen (the US Government) is at it again. Attempting to create lifelong customers for Big Pharma through their mass injection of poison and natural immunity destruction program that they call, "Vaccinations".
I personally think there is something far more insidious than Greed motivating this, because once you know the facts (and realize that they do to), you really have to wonder.
So here I'm going to show you the actual FACTS in a very simple to understand form, and let you figure it out.
The science is very clear....
Vaccines are Destructive, causing far more harm than good and have little to do or nothing to do with the diminishing number of cases of various diseases.
So first let's see some proof of that.
Now with Typhoid Fever and Scarlet Fever, and TB,a few that there were no vaccines for...... Notice the Drop....

I personally think there is something far more insidious than Greed motivating this, because once you know the facts (and realize that they do to), you really have to wonder.
So here I'm going to show you the actual FACTS in a very simple to understand form, and let you figure it out.
The science is very clear....
Vaccines are Destructive, causing far more harm than good and have little to do or nothing to do with the diminishing number of cases of various diseases.
So first let's see some proof of that.
Now with Typhoid Fever and Scarlet Fever, and TB,a few that there were no vaccines for...... Notice the Drop....

Below is the Scarlet Fever in Australia.
As you can see there was a very noticable decline, almost into oblivion...without vaccines.
Now let's look at all the difference Vaccines made.
So Here is Diptheria.
Notice the rate of decent prior to vaccinations, and after.... Pretty insignificant if not totally non-existent.
In fact the rate of descent was far greater before the vaccines were introduced...
Check this one out,
It looks like about the time the vaccine should be kicking in...
when it was in a steep decline...
Diptheria cases seem to go up.
Makes you question the Programming.
WOW!!! Check out Nigeria,
I guess the Dominican Republic wasn't just a fluke...
Do you see what I see????
Looks like Nigeria was doing pretty well, in a steep decline... UNTIL the Vaccinations came into the picture.
And Whooping Cough
Be Very Afraid!!!

Wow, vaccine's didn't really do much for that.
In fact if you look at the graphs closely it appears, at least in England and Wales, that it kind of changed the dead drop, to a less severe angle.
Gotta Love this next one.
Did the rates actually go up after the vaccinations were implemented in Nigeria?
OOPS Again,
those darn Facts...
Now to an untrained observer you might get the comment:
"Well look, it dropped after the vaccine?"
Yeah, sure, but look at the rate of decline before and after.
It was dropping a lot faster before the vaccine was introduced.
I would say the following Stats bear some consideration.
YIKES, let's see, HMM?
Cough.... Death
I guess I'd choose the slim possibility of getting the cough,
but then I enjoy Life.
A dead drop prior to vaccinations.
Vaccines made no noticeable change in the rate of descent, except that they appear to have actually made it worse. That is to say, a sharp rate of descent was changed into a moderate rate of descent, once vaccines entered the picture.
OK, so we've been hearing a lot of noise from the folks who want us to poison our children
because of the dreaded Measles.
Let's talk about that...
Well I read somewhere that in the last 10 years in the US there have been ZERO deaths from Measles.....
110 from the Vaccine.
Let's see?
A few itchy bumps....Death
a few itchy bumps....Death
a few itchy bumps....Death?
Yeah, let's vaccinate more.
Get those numbers up folks.
However the trend of Autism spectrum disorders directly follows the MMR vaccination curve,
as seen in the following graph:
Now that was Scary and informative.
Of course the folks who are trying to sell you these poisons will tell you there is no connection between rates of autism and vaccines.
They are Lying.
and we'll get to that later.
Of course the folks who are trying to sell you these poisons will tell you there is no connection between rates of autism and vaccines.
They are Lying.
and we'll get to that later.
Measles was going away long before the vaccine.
Guess what, I had it...
and so did everyone I knew..
and so did everyone I knew..
You know if a person is so unhealthy
that they will die from Measles,
I shudder to think what will happen when you inject them with a host of the most toxic substances on the planet,
(namely vaccines.)
Oh, and for a list of these;
the actual package inserts, check this link:
Read these, and look up the ingredients.
Prepare to be frightened.
Once again we see a sharp decline
interrupted by the vaccine.
WOW, look what the vaccine did to the sharp decline of Measles in the Dominican Republic...
OOPS, it went up after.
A diet of actual food,
so rare in most Americans kitchens,
would be a far better beginning
for those genuinely seeking optimal health.
So as you can see by these graphs most of these dreaded diseases,
allegedly "cured" by Big Pharma and their injectable poisons,
were on the way out long before Big Pharma got involved and began actually destroying the Health of the masses.
I'll include links of many more of these graphs if this hasn't been enough..
But I am just beginning here.
In case you have been duped by the Big Pharma sales Reps commonly referred to as Medical Doctors, or the Big Pharma Subsidiaries we call the US Government and the Media,
I highly recommend the link below if you'd like to break free of the Fear Based Hypnotism they use to Control with,concerning Measles, very good intelligent link.
How about the FLU Vaccine
Everybody needs to get that...
Well, not if you are paying attention..
First of all it does still have trace amounts of Mercury..
And guess what, no amount of that heavy metal,
injected right into your body,
is good for you.
"But hey, they took most of it out,"
Yeah and replaced it with aluminum..
Sorry, just as bad.
And #2
It doesn't really work.
I find this next chart the most telling.
Wow that Vaccine sure changed things...
If the goal was killing kids that is.
Now the Lie about vaccines
making kids healthier,
is so blatant,
it's simply disgusting.
The following charts show that if you desire sickly children,
and lifelong customers for Big Pharma....
just vaccinate them.
I think the following graphs
should speak for themselves:
should speak for themselves:
Now in case these didn't speak for themselves, what they just told us was that the folks who got the dreaded diseases...
Were the Vaccinated ones...
Were the Vaccinated ones...
Pardon me if I avoid the vaccine.
Now the following link should wake you up if you are getting bored.
The reason I'm including it is that I know it is True.
I've seen it for myself:
This Guy can tell a recently vaccinated person just by looking at them,
and has developed a system to determine the
and has developed a system to determine the
As it turns out every time you are vaccinated you get some Brain Damage.
And this Brain damage is in the form of small strokes.
The site of the stroke and size defines it's manifestation.
Sometimes it's barely noticeable, other times it's life altering (or life ending).
After we watched this video we went to Market to sell our wares.
Some people we sort of know came to our booth.
I could see clearly that one of the children had some small stroke recently, one eye was very turned up like the pic above.
After a little conversation we found out that they had just gotten their vaccinations for a trip to Mexico.
This following video is very informative.
How about that Autism link?
Well we all know that has been debunked, RIGHT?
In fact the big case that the Vaxxers have used to point to this was the Wakefield case.
But that was big money destroying a valid researcher's career
to hide their tracks.
And the courts recently vindicated it.
The fact is that Vaccines do cause Autism Spectrum disorders.
Big Pharma,
has been protected from Lawsuit by their hired help,
(Presidents and Congressmen),
However even with this protection the Vaccine Court,
which is fairly bogus....
Has still awarded BILLIONS of dollars for Vaccine injury,
which is fairly bogus....
Has still awarded BILLIONS of dollars for Vaccine injury,
mostly autism spectrum disorders.
And you can bet with those High Priced Lawyers that Big Pharma pays millions to,
if it wasn't so..
they would not be paying Billions of dollars in damages
.... especially in a System that is rigged against those who are injured and is prejudiced in favor of those who do the injury.
if it wasn't so..
they would not be paying Billions of dollars in damages
.... especially in a System that is rigged against those who are injured and is prejudiced in favor of those who do the injury.
"But of course there are no actual studies that show a link":
But you have to understand that the causes for Autism Spectrum Disorders are not that simple.
Sure a small stroke in certain areas of the brain can do it...
But most of what ails us as humans these days
is because of gut issues.
is because of gut issues.
85% of our health is centered in our gut, and vaccines, chlorine in the water, fluoride, just about every single medication big pharma has created.... Destroy your Gut Flora.
If it says on the label, best if taken with food....
that's generally because it's going to destroy your gut flora
if it isn't insulated...
if it isn't insulated...
Destroy it to the degree that you actually feel it.
There are diets designed to heal the gut
and cure autism and all autoimmune disease,
which begin with permeation of the gut wall.
and cure autism and all autoimmune disease,
which begin with permeation of the gut wall.
The following is a Symposium
on the Link between H Pylori and Autism.
on the Link between H Pylori and Autism.
Sound quality isn't that great,
and she is very repetitive.
But the information is very good in showing the link between a destroyed gut, and Autism.
And if you pay close attention you will hear how she mentions, just in passing, because professionals in the field simply know and accept the reality, that there is a direct link to destruction of the gut and vaccines and autism.
and she is very repetitive.
But the information is very good in showing the link between a destroyed gut, and Autism.
And if you pay close attention you will hear how she mentions, just in passing, because professionals in the field simply know and accept the reality, that there is a direct link to destruction of the gut and vaccines and autism.
Besides all of this, and really more important in my mind, is all the people I actually know, whose children did became autistic right after being vaccinated.
You want to tell them,
and THOUSANDS more that it's just a coincidence.
and THOUSANDS more that it's just a coincidence.
Better have your running shoes on.
Now something you should understand is this.
When you hear the pundits telling you
that the vaccines have been proven effective.
They wouldn't lie,? Right.
Well here's the thing.
By,"proven effective" what they mean is not that they have done any studies on the vaccinated vs. unvaccinated population, but rather that they have looked at the blood, probably of a rat, after it was injected with the vaccine.... and found that the rats body created antibodies to the "disease" they injected.
Just for the record.
This doesn't equate to protecting you from anything...
It's just bogus.
OH, yeah, but what about Polio?
"My Grandfather got Polio, it was terrible."
Yep, it is,
and he may well have been vaccinated.
I once saw a video, and if any readers can find this I'd appreciate it, where Jonus Salk, the dude that pretty much created the Polio Vaccine went to the Senate,
with a bunch of other notable scientists of the time.
He went there to beg them to stop giving the Vaccine,
because it had become the primary cause for Polio.
The film was in black and white, but you could clearly see the Big Pharma Lobbyist sitting next to the chairman of the committee, whispering in his ear.
Well science didn't win over greed and the vaccine is still being given, and is still the primary cause of Polio.
Luckily for Big Pharma they are not calling it Polio, because it is not the wild strain, but rather one created by Big Pharma...
and that's not polio.
Though I read in the link below that Bill Gates efforts in India have resulted in 47,500 Deaths
That is 47,500 DEAD
But don't worry, it's not Polio,
it's "NPAFP" (Non polio acute flaccid Paralysis.)
(same misery, new name).
Gee, I wonder if anyone was actually dying from real Polio over there before we decided to "save" them from it.
Link here:
47,500 killed
How about next time you want to help,
just give them some real food...
How about that Big Money?
"Isn't Big Pharma and our Government trying to protect us?"
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA tee hee gufaw gufaw..
Oh, excuse me..
he he he
Well, NO.
It's all about money.
Good old Reagun made that law so folks couldn't sue Big Pharma for destroying their lives or killing their kids,
because," having to pay those fines would cut into their searching for cures..."
Yeah, right ...Good one Ronald.
Don't you have a war to create and an economy to destroy?
Well Actually,
Check this link:
Big Pharma is a Profit Machine,
their motivation is to keep customers coming back for more....
Vaccinations are the Heart of this program,
creating an unhealthy population with ruined natural immunity and a list of Auto Immune diseases that would fill this page...
Mostly created by them and their destruction of the Populaces gut flora.
Do you know we have 1/3 the gut flora of our forefathers and Indigenous folks.
And a lot of that is Pathogenic.
"Civilization" has destroyed our natural source of Immunity, and replaced it with Pathogens that are at the center of most of mankind's current health problems.
You want to be healthy and have healthy kids...?
Opt out of Civilization and it's vaccinations, toxic "foods" and
" body care and household and garden products".
Don't drink that city water or use fluoride in your mouth.
Cavities are not the products of nasty bacteria we need to kill,
but of BAD DIET.
Pills and vaccines will NEVER bring you health.
There is no Cancer Cure in a pill or shot....
Diet and Lifestyle changes are the only answer,
and this must align with what is NATURAL.
How you would have eaten say, 3000 years ago.
People gotta quit being so freakin lazy and refusing to take responsibility for their own health, thinking,
" Oh, I'll just take this or that drug and be fine."
No you won't.
Quit buying the Lie.
Take responsibility for your health and your kids health.
Do it Now.
Or keep paying into Big Pharma and the "Medical" Machine.
And if you are interested in this information and sharing it and helping educate the hypnotized masses. It would be a good idea to copy and paste this into a Word Processor because my links have been mysteriously disappearing and I've noticed a history of this with the most informative sources. So in case I might be ..... deleted by someone who really cares about your health.... I mean their bottom line profits.... It's be good to save this in as many locations as possible.
More links to educate yourself and gain some real perspective:
Awesome informative Movie
The shocking truth about what's really in vaccines: Mercury, MSG, Formaldehyde, Aluminum
"Bringing much needed Sanity to the Vaccine debate"
When you hear the pundits telling you
that the vaccines have been proven effective.
They wouldn't lie,? Right.
Well here's the thing.
By,"proven effective" what they mean is not that they have done any studies on the vaccinated vs. unvaccinated population, but rather that they have looked at the blood, probably of a rat, after it was injected with the vaccine.... and found that the rats body created antibodies to the "disease" they injected.
Just for the record.
This doesn't equate to protecting you from anything...
It's just bogus.
OH, yeah, but what about Polio?
"My Grandfather got Polio, it was terrible."
Yep, it is,
and he may well have been vaccinated.
I once saw a video, and if any readers can find this I'd appreciate it, where Jonus Salk, the dude that pretty much created the Polio Vaccine went to the Senate,
with a bunch of other notable scientists of the time.
He went there to beg them to stop giving the Vaccine,
because it had become the primary cause for Polio.
The film was in black and white, but you could clearly see the Big Pharma Lobbyist sitting next to the chairman of the committee, whispering in his ear.
Well science didn't win over greed and the vaccine is still being given, and is still the primary cause of Polio.
Luckily for Big Pharma they are not calling it Polio, because it is not the wild strain, but rather one created by Big Pharma...
and that's not polio.
Though I read in the link below that Bill Gates efforts in India have resulted in 47,500 Deaths
That is 47,500 DEAD
But don't worry, it's not Polio,
it's "NPAFP" (Non polio acute flaccid Paralysis.)
(same misery, new name).
Gee, I wonder if anyone was actually dying from real Polio over there before we decided to "save" them from it.
Link here:
47,500 killed
How about next time you want to help,
just give them some real food...
How about that Big Money?
"Isn't Big Pharma and our Government trying to protect us?"
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA tee hee gufaw gufaw..
Oh, excuse me..
he he he
Well, NO.
It's all about money.
Good old Reagun made that law so folks couldn't sue Big Pharma for destroying their lives or killing their kids,
because," having to pay those fines would cut into their searching for cures..."
Yeah, right ...Good one Ronald.
Don't you have a war to create and an economy to destroy?
Well Actually,
Check this link:
90% Of Big Pharma Spent More On Marketing Than Research In 2013 Alone
Big Pharma is a Profit Machine,
their motivation is to keep customers coming back for more....
Vaccinations are the Heart of this program,
creating an unhealthy population with ruined natural immunity and a list of Auto Immune diseases that would fill this page...
Mostly created by them and their destruction of the Populaces gut flora.
Do you know we have 1/3 the gut flora of our forefathers and Indigenous folks.
And a lot of that is Pathogenic.
"Civilization" has destroyed our natural source of Immunity, and replaced it with Pathogens that are at the center of most of mankind's current health problems.
You want to be healthy and have healthy kids...?
Opt out of Civilization and it's vaccinations, toxic "foods" and
" body care and household and garden products".
Don't drink that city water or use fluoride in your mouth.
Cavities are not the products of nasty bacteria we need to kill,
but of BAD DIET.
Pills and vaccines will NEVER bring you health.
There is no Cancer Cure in a pill or shot....
Diet and Lifestyle changes are the only answer,
and this must align with what is NATURAL.
How you would have eaten say, 3000 years ago.
People gotta quit being so freakin lazy and refusing to take responsibility for their own health, thinking,
" Oh, I'll just take this or that drug and be fine."
No you won't.
Quit buying the Lie.
Take responsibility for your health and your kids health.
Do it Now.
Or keep paying into Big Pharma and the "Medical" Machine.
And if you are interested in this information and sharing it and helping educate the hypnotized masses. It would be a good idea to copy and paste this into a Word Processor because my links have been mysteriously disappearing and I've noticed a history of this with the most informative sources. So in case I might be ..... deleted by someone who really cares about your health.... I mean their bottom line profits.... It's be good to save this in as many locations as possible.
More links to educate yourself and gain some real perspective:
Awesome informative Movie
Silent Epidemic; The Untold Story
The shocking truth about what's really in vaccines: Mercury, MSG, Formaldehyde, Aluminum
What’s Behind Big Pharma’s Freak-out Media Blitz Over Measles?
"Bringing much needed Sanity to the Vaccine debate"
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