Wolf: Sir, I'm afraid our program of population reduction has come up with a few Glitches.
Piggie: Just what do you mean?
Wolf: Well some of the Sheep have refused to accept the Programming and are researching things beyond what we have fed them through our media and educational outlets.
Piggie: But I just had a report from our worker in Africa, he say's the "polio eradication program" has resulted in 47,500 deaths.
I realize we got less than we expected from Aids and Ebola, but isn't the vaccination program, our hallmark effort, producing the results we had wanted to achieve?
Wolf: This is the area of my concern sir, certainly we have eradicated millions, and as per the Plan we have done it slowly not to gain attention, and the profits we are making off of our Pharmaceutical and Medical industries are staggering, But there is a considerable slow down with people becoming informed.
Piggie: But isn't our program of instilling fear in the Sheep working, have we not successfully made these informed non-sheep appear to be "conspiracy nuts" We have spent millions to do so and have our propaganda outlets working very hard at this.
Wolf: I'm afraid sir that it hasn't been enough.
Piggie: Well just buy a few more Congressmen and make the program mandatory, make it mandatory that everyone poison their children.
Wolf: We are attempting to do so sir, but I'm afraid it isn't going as well as we had hoped, there are just too many actual facts we have not been able to quell .
Piggie: But what about our war creation program, isn't that going quite well.
Wolf: Oh yes sir, we have the Christians fearing the Muslims, the Muslims fearing the Christians, the bulk of the wolrd fearing the Americans....and we've armed all sides very well and the killing is going along quite as planned.
Piggie: Well I just don't see the problem.
Wolf: Well sir, it's those darn Anti Vaxxers, they are just too well informed. We've spent millions in the social media groups with our Trolls trying to discredit them, but all we can do is attack their character or cherry pick bits of data that reflect the lie we're attempting to perpetrate. Unfortunately sir, facts are facts...
Piggie: Don't worry, we've been leading the sheep around by their noses for hundreds of years, we get them to murder their brothers, poison their children, and all the while they are convinced that they are doing this for their God and Country. Have no fear little Wolfie....we've got it covered.
Wolf: I'm not so sure sir.
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