Monday, May 3, 2021

The Only Real Cure for COVD 19


The Only Real Cure for ,”COVD-19”

To understand the Cure for what they are calling COVD-19 will require a major mental paradigm shift in the understanding of Virus's, what they are and where they come from and how they operate. The current scientific model is virtually worthless in that it is focused entirely in the Physical aspects.....which is probably less then 1% of the actual Truth of virus's. I've written about this much before and for some background in rebuilding the new paradigm of understanding you can click this Link....

Before I propose the cure I must first talk about what virus's are.....the above link is also part of that aim.

A most concise definition, and Esoteric Truth is that Virus's are Mass Karma working itself out. A Virus is a Construct of mass mental and emotional agreement upon some Fear based notion that has nothing to do with what is True and Natural. A mass hatred towards one group or ideology for instance is a powerful creative energy that is not in line with any real Universal Truth and to be more clear it is contrary to the Natural Order of things. Reality...not the one of our mutual agreement, but rather the one that exists in pure form, entirely without our mutual agreements about it has a Pure Energy, a Pure Frequency …. When humanity begins to define Reality, through Fear or it's Children, (like Hatred, Lust, Envy, Greed etc.) this imposes aberrant frequencies upon the matrix of True Reality. These aberrant frequencies when maintained and defined in their different ways, are the seeds to what we call Virus's. Some religions like Science of Mind and Christian Science have recognized this, and all true healing modalities have this at their heart. A virus is built in what we call, “astral matter”. It is emotional and mental in nature and has an Etheric (energetic)Element based upon the nature of the mental/emotional nature. The actual physical part is minuscule compared to the astral/mental/etheric part. Mankind has virtually created all of it's Viral Diseases by a maintained agreement ,with Fear (and it's ,”Children”) at it's center that is at odds to the Frequency of Truth.....or of Nature. Now there is a very good question here, for those with good working minds, that might seem to contradict this notion.....but to address that here would only add more confusion....if a question comes to you, Please ask it. I'm not here to expect you to blindly accept what I am saying, as most folks will find difficulty in accepting this as it is beyond the ,”Normal” box we have been trained to live in.

So, virus's are a Creation of Mass Mental and Emotional agreements upon that with has no real Truth.......The longer the Agreement and the larger the number of folks making that agreement and the intensity that is put behind it, will dictate the strength of the Virus. This is the basic Law of Creation. Energy follows thought and emotion and Will. A Maintained Energy has no choice but to eventually manifest. This Law is behind what has been called, “the Law of Attraction”.

Anything that DOES NOT resonate with Nature, with unadulterated pure Truth.....creates Karma. Karma, is basically the Universal Law that Everything that is NOT True, must work itself back to Truth. Another way to put this is that, Karma is Restoring Unity from Duality.

So, humanity has created all of these ,”aberrant Frequencies” based upon their disconnection from Unity and Truth, based upon their Fears (and Fears Children) of the ,”other”. Fears of that separate thing over their or within themselves that they have Judged within Duality, that they have with their emotions and wills and minds defined into something that has no real Truth. These aberrant frequencies are the seeds of what Mankind has labeled virus's and the task of the Virus is to ,”work itself out”, to restore itself to a non-dualistic Truth. A virus is Mankind's Karma trying to work itself out. There is NO VACCINE for Mankind's Karma.

Now all these,”virus's” are more about Frequency then they are about some physical little thing we look at under our great big microscope that has some element of DNA in it's nature. We have to stop looking at the physical aspect and begin looking at the energetic aspect.

Don't worry, we will come to the cure, and it won't be a medicine, or a jab...It will be something you like. He he.

Now let's get to what they are calling ,”COVD-19” which we know has actually Never been scientifically ISOLATED. HMMM??? Gotta wonder about that huh?

This new virus isn't quite like others in that it was partially built in a lab from what Fauci sent to Wuhan when a moratorium was put on Weaponizing (OH, I mean attenuating) virus's in the US by President Obama. Not to be quelled in his evil designs Fauci sent it to the Wuhan Lab (with, as I understand it, 13 million US dollars) to have them continue his evil work there)...but I digress. So, they took a virus that already existed and messed with it. But here's the thing ASSHOLES. It doesn't work, all your efforts and all the money you spend are nothing compared to the will, and the emotion and mentality that created the original virus...It will Mutate back to it's original objective, every time. The Nature of a virus is to mutate as Mankind's …..energetic relationship to the original cause, changes. Is that clear as mud? As a virus passes through humanity it changes with every person it passes through, based upon their relationship with the original Cause of the works itself out through Humanity. As humanity becomes more in line with the aberrant frequencies it was built upon, it will grow stronger....but as humanity breaks free of the Fear based delusions that created the virus, it will become less virulent.

What about 5G, a lot of folks say there is an element there, seems far fetched?

OK, well. First of all don't think of 5G as a thing in of itself. Giving it a name like that folks think it is some defined thing, but the reality is a carrier....a means to transport frequencies that have been specifically defined to create certain effects.

Yes, 5G is very much a part of the,”epidemic” but is not the cause. We'll get back to this.

Now I need to talk about some astral realities since the major component of this ,”virus” is Astral. You could say that the astral nature of a virus is the Coloring, the defining principle. And what it defines is the etheric, or energetic expression....and what that eventually defines is some Physical Manifestation, the smallest part of the component , but the one we take most seriously, especially when it causes suffering and death.

Now, think about the condensation on a window in the winter, water droplets forming separately.....then they begin to merge together, then they become much bigger.....or, better yet, think of how crystals form. You can have a whole bunch of chemicals in a vat, and then throw in a seed crystal of one of those chemicals, and all the chemicals that are the same as that seed, in the solution, will be drawn to that seed and it will form a larger crystal, of all the same kind. Like draws to like in the astral world, just like that. It's all about resonance, about Frequency. Virus's work like this. Within all of us living here in Duality, there is Fear. In fact Fear had a lot to do with defining the Duality we live's at the heart of our has a certain resonance, certain frequencies, depending upon how it was defined....and maintained.. and these frequencies are like those water droplets or the crystal forming chemicals.....they draw to each other that which is like themselves....and grow. This is after all what creates a virus, and what creates an,”epidemic” of that virus.

Now lets get to the one they have created and used for their Nefarious purposes, and what we can do about it....

It's all about frequency.......a defined and embellished frequency, all built upon, at the very heart, some dualistic Fear. Now you must understand that every individual thought and emotion has in and of itself a unique Frequency....They do have the technology to know these frequencies and to project them on many levels. They understand and keep redefining the frequency of what they are calling COVD-19. There are many ways to do this. The constant barrage of defined Fear the Media has been tasked to push upon you, certain chemical compounds dropped from airplanes or put into you via a needle.....and frequencies broadcasted via,”5G”..All build and support the aberrant frequency of the Karma/Fear based creation known as COVD 19. And the more we accept their bombardment, the more the “like to like” comes into play, the more prone we are to contract” the disease.. The media with it's Fear pushing and defining of it, and all the other modalities they use to put us in an energetic state that will resonate with the actual ,”Virus” and put us at risk. I hate to tell you this, but all the symptoms can even be given to us, via the ,”5g” without us actually coming into contact with any viral particle...... SOOOO, CRAP.....what are we to do?

Well, first keep in mind that at the heart of it Fear. That is the key.

Why is it that the Homeless folks don't seem to have a problem, could it be that they aren't tuned into some Idiot box that is constantly trying to define a Fear in them....They have their own fears that don't fit the resonance of the one the Piggies are using against us. So, at the heart of the key to protecting ourselves is....Don't buy into the Fear, turn off the idiot boxes of Mind control, get rid of your Cell Phone and wireless router, or at least put your phone into some protective case and hard wire your internet..(to protect yourself from the broadcasted frequencies, and the words designed to control you in Fear....

And above all, like I've been saying for years, FEED THE JOY.....Have FUN, get together with friends that are HAVING FUN, don't get together and share Fear...Party on Dudes and Dudettes. Be Happy, Live Life Freely....spit in the Piggies Faces with your Joy......Resonate with Truth, get into Nature....Do everything they tell you NOT to , and do it joyfully... That is the Cure.

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