Friday, November 13, 2015

Raise your Baby like a Heathen Barbarian.

Taryn recently read a book called the Continuum Concept, and related some of the ideas from it to me. This is a book written by a woman who visited various Indigenous tribes in South America, and found that they had the happiest most well adjusted babies and children she had ever seen, far different than the Children Civilization is breeding.   Some of the ideas that she talked about, and the fact that my wonderful daughter just had a beautiful little baby boy, got me thinking about the subject, and how "Civilization" has lost touch with Nature and the Natural way of raising our babies and children. 
One of the most insane and counter productive "civilized" parenting ideas, (most likely devised by some "Father" that realized that having a child meant time and attention taken away from them) is that a baby needs to be left alone sometimes, and letting it cry itself to sleep will somehow train it to live in the "real" world.  The reality is all this does is create children and adults that feel disconnected, that feel alone....that do not feel loved, and that lack a firm foundation. (Believe me, this is the style I was raised under.)
Those Uncivilized Heathens, (the ones with the babies that never cry, don't have emotional issues and grow into healthy moral naturally good humans) know that babies need to be Held, be touched....all the time, every moment until THEY decide they don't need it. Contrary to "Civilized" thought, this will not create needy whiny little pain in the butts....(those are created by following the "Civilized" approach). 
Babies need to know where you are all the time,(and to a baby that is right up against your body). Leaving a baby alone terrorizes it, and the fact that it may eventually stop crying, does not mean that the terror is gone, it simply means that the child has given up on you as being there for them....and this is built into the foundation of who they will be as a young child , a teen and as an adult. They can not depend on you.  So we end up with a "Civilization" where it's, "every man for himself"...where community and family are just words...and people feel alone and isolated. We end up with a "Civilization" of  Disconnected, Perpetually Needy (and therefore Greedy and Fearful) Individuals.
Another Insane and truly Barbaric Civilized Belief has to do with Feeding the baby. 
Scheduling feedings is about as wise an idea as attempting to tell a leaf when it's time to fall from the tree. There is one expert source for when a Mother is to Feed her baby, and that is the Baby. And there is one expert source, the ONLY expert source of when to stop feeding the baby....and that is also the baby.  Any other source really has no freakin clue and their motives for attempting to control something as uncontrollable as the TIDES, the Seasons and the orbit of planets, are questionable . 
Of course those well adjusted Heathen kids also didn't eat Civilized CRAP or get filled with Toxins from every angle possible either...and diet and lifestyle are the next most important thing to raising a decent human to actually holding them, and fulfilling all their needs. 
There is a Natural Way to do things, most "Civilized" humans have lost their connection with what is Natural and Healthy.... they listen to "experts" whose heads are firmly planted in their dumb asses...... and everybody and everything suffers.  There is really just one answer to raising healthy kids...and being healthy ourselves....and that boils down to......opting out of Civilization and becoming a "Heathen Barbarian." Join the Club before we "Civilize" ourselves into oblivion. 

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

They Don't "Get It"

One of the main problems with the Pharmaceutical Industry, aside from the Greed, is....they simply don't "get it".
Health is not the temporary lack of symptoms.
 It can not be found in a pill or vaccine. 
The main problem I see is that 99.9% of the time they treat symptoms.....
 But not the cause of the symptoms.. 

"His problem is just a chemical imbalance, 
and we have the technology to fix that imbalance."


The question is,
 and the only way health will be regained is by asking,
"What caused the imbalance, and how do we fix that."

They don't ask this because generally the answer is,
Quit ingesting CRAP, including Pharmaceuticals.
Our whole "system" would crumble if people addressed the main causes of their distress...
 which is Consuming vast amounts of CRAP the body is not built for.
No, we never adjust to these un natural doesn't happen.
Our bodies attack them, attempt to neutralize them... and in this process bi products are created.
Normally, in a real natural world these bi products would be minimal... 
Not so in the world today, we are so full of crap that our bodies can't deal with it and not only do we become loaded with these toxic substances, but just as hazardous to our health...we become overcome by the Bi-Products of our bodies attempts to neutralize the toxins.  
This is at the heart of AutoImmune disease, autism spectrum disorders....and heart disease.  
We no longer have our natural immunity from a Healthy gut, having been destroyed by Pharmaceuticals and various other chemicals and toxins that are in the ...products that have been mis-labeled as "food", and are consumed by the masses. Vaccines further destroy our natural immunity and GMO's have a nasty property of carrying toxic substances through the gut wall which would not make that journey if not encapsulated within the GMO.  
We live in a toxic soup where the chemicals used to make a few folks richer, make the majority sicker.  Our Laziness and fact that we're hypnotized to believe all the things that destroy our health....are good for us, has created a new generation of sickly idiots, who still reach out to their enemy.......for salvation.

Two Styles of Science.... Real Science and Idiot Science

The Two Styles of Science...Idiot Science and Real Science

The Two Styles of Science

I've been meaning to write about this for some time.
Recent conversations have urged this forward.
There are two very distinct and Different forms that Science takes.

There is the one we are taught in schools and Universities.
I call this one,
Idiot Science.

I call it this because the more one becomes
in this form.
The more disconnected they become,
from the Simple Truth.
Idiot Science, or
"Forward Thinking Science"
is a method where the mind is utilized.
It accumulates data.
It collects and relates this data and comes to conclusions,
based upon the data.
It adds these conclusions to the existing conclusions,
and calls this Science.
Data+Data=Conclusion+Conclusion= "Knowledge".
This is the Science that is responsible
for Scientific Knowledge.
A forward application of the Mental Principle,
creating conclusions based upon perceived (or theorized) data.
And these "Idiot scientists" will point out to you,
all the great advances that have been made based on idiot Science.
They will not however point out how virtually all of these
so called "advancements" 
came with a price.
And that price has been the destruction of human,
plant and animal overall health...
and the health of the planet we live on.

Antibiotics are great...BUT
they have destroyed the gut and natural Immunity of almost the entire human and domesticated animal population, 
and created Superbugs that can't be touched.

Well, let's not go into that....
But have caused far more harm than good.

All the crap put in food for one reason or another...
in the water for one reason or another,
in the Air and on our bodies....
Killing us slowly..
Thank you Idiot Science.

And then we have the Idiot Scientists at the AMA and FDA and WHO, telling us how we should eat to be healthy.

Idiot Science is responsible for most of the human suffering that isn't caused by war or famine.
Although much of the famine is the result of Idiot Science
destroying the fertility of the land with chemicals.

So this is the most common form of "Science"
Now let's talk about the other form,
"Real Science." 

There have been some amazing "real scientists"
Einstein, Tesla, Burbank,
Gandhi,Martin Luther King.
Yep, even those dudes.
Real Science works in the opposite direction of Idiot Science.
It is not a matter of combining current data with past data and coming to conclusions.
It is a matter of observing backwards through the pattern of any given thing,
to understand it's true Nature.
Idiot science by it's process takes us further from the True Nature of Things
Where Real Science takes us to the heart of the true Nature of things.
Idiot science is mental manipulations.
Real Science removes the Mind from the observer,
and only uses it as a translator
once the Truth has been mindlessly observed.
Everything we can perceive
and even things we can't...
has a pattern.
Real Science takes what is perceived
and follows it's pattern back to it's beginning.
This is the only way a Truth can be known.
Idiot science gives us Ideas about the Truth.
Real Science gives us direct perception of the Truth.
Idiot science brings us Knowledge.
Real Science brings us Wisdom.

Real Science in a word is
Not what we have been taught by the idiot scientists
that contemplation is,
Namely the mulling over of data in our minds.
This is not Contemplation.
In contemplation our minds are silent.
In contemplation we employ Intention
for focus,
and our hearts
for clear vision.
The Truth of a thing is not the ideas we have about things.
The Truth is what is at the center of things,
and we perceive it through our hearts....
Then use our minds to translate it into something we can communicate.

Idiot Science is all about the mind.
Real Science is about the Will, and Love.

You can always tell an idiot scientist because they are about as far from Nature in their thinking as one can become.
They are disconnected from Simple Truth,
but can do all kinds of mental calisthenics
to make their ideas appear valid.
They can give you a whole bunch of reasons why
shooting the most toxic substances into a healthy human body
to "protect" it from some possible future discomfort,
is a good idea.
Insane and totally disconnected from Nature,
 yet to their Idiot Science,
it makes perfect sense.

The funny thing is that when you look to the Heart of things,
as with Real Science,
you gain a view of the Big Picture.
Idiot Science reduces the size of the picture,
to small ideas about the picture.

It's time we start teaching Real Science in Schools.
Teach how to return to Nature...
Nature knows it all,
Idiot Science just has lame ideas about it.
Teach how to learn the Truth,
not ideas about the Truth.

There is a catch even with Real Science,
and that is that to communicate it,
to share it...the Mind must be employed as a translator.
And every time we employ the mind to the Truth,
it becomes distorted.
BUT, if we taught Real Science..
Contemplation to the masses,
the masses could perceive the Truth on their own,
and not rely on someone else to tell them what it is.

Idiot Science has brought the planet to the Brink of Destruction.
Real Science could save it.

Learn to Contemplate.
Learn to quietly Focus.

Real Science is Incredibly exciting,
for one thing because,
at the heart of everything we Contemplate...
is, for the lack of a better word
And to be one with God
which is the end result of contemplation
 is ,
well the most exciting blissful thing possible for a human being.

And yes Oh Hypnotized Religious folks,
it is entirely possible. 

Maybe this is why Idiot Science Reigns,

Religion has long kept us apart from God

and shrouded us in little ideas about God. 

It is time to switch from Ideas about the Truth...

To perception and participation WITH Truth.

I suppose this is also a key difference between Idiot and Real Science...

Real Science is Direct Participation WITH
the Truth of a thing.

Let's save the World from the Idiot Scientists,

And Quietly Focus.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Sacred Herb/Energetic Healing

We live in an energetic world.
Just broken down into different frequencies...
And behind it all
driving it on,
is this LIGHT.
And the Romantics say that that Light
is built of Love...

I think it's more than that.

In fact I think that before the Love came.....

The Intention came.

Well, no...
Chicken or the egg?

But anyway.

We Live in a Sea of Light
A soup that we're all swimming in.
There is a "Natural" state of things..
The Heaven I suppose..
Where everything is in balance,
where the rainbows fall just where they need to. 
Our bodies have a Natural State,
And it feels Good
and it is Good.

But we've totally forgotten what that is like.
Our bodies were meant to move and breathe and have their being 
within  perfect harmony with the world around them.
The water we drink,
and the food we eat
move cleanly through us.
Because this was what our bodies were meant to eat.

Every single speck of Man-made processed 
......I can't bring my self to call it food, but what could I call it?
there you go...
Every single thing we put in, on or around our bodies,
that our bodies were not meant to have in, on or around them,

Why are autoimmune diseases so rampant?

Well, it's like this....

Our bodies are built to deal with 
"outside invaders".
These would include Virus's, Bacteria, physical damage, toxins....
Our bodies have an INCREDIBLE Immune System.

BUT, it was made to deal with a reasonable amount of these things.
The number of things just in that bag of flavored chips,
That crap will drive your body crazy...
Make it work overtime.
One freakin vaccination is about all the toxins your body was built to deal with in say,
A freakin Lifetime.

It's like Civilization's primary goal was,
to Bury the Immune System 
in Garbage.

And it's all energetic.
We are finely tuned instruments made of Light,
and there are certain places and ways that that Light
is meant to.... Naturally Reflect and 
Diffuse into Hues
in very precise
energetic blendings.
We have centers in our bodies,
energetic centers that
when in their Natural State...
have a very defined energetic 

But EVERY thing we put in ourselves that wasn't meant to be there,
Disturbs that energetic expression.
That stuff they are dumping out of the Planes...

Energetic Shitstorm..

Hey humans were built tough,
we aren't quite so tough any more.

So pretty much EVERYBODY
is out of Sync
within themselves,
and therefore
With the rest of Creation.

We have deeply disturbed the 
Natural Energetic Balance.

And replaced it with...

A large Brass Band where every single person....
is playing something totally different than the others
It's out of Tune
 and Time.

 It's a freakin Energetic

And this is the Soup we swim in.


And for some reason these have been Quelled.

Of course the first thing to do is to cease partaking
of the Un Natural.
In itself that's a pretty big step.
You gotta be Brave,
You gotta really Love the real You.

This Non-partaking doesn't 
fly all that well in a society
 that runs on the wheels of Greed.
Capitalism run amok,
where most exist to 
Serve a few.
And those Few.....
So , that's just step 1.
I'm afraid the degree of crap consumed
 and the degree of the ImBalance
is so great that 
a simple diet and lifestyle change,
isn't quite enough.

Why has pot been illegal ?

My theory is Big Pharma doesn't want competition
 from something that
basically could put them out of business.

So they pull their strings...
and our dancing Democracy,
serves one of it's Masters.

Because here's the deal:

Marijuana is Sacred.
Energetically it Repairs
the damage done by this Civilization..

It can work generally,
and very specifically.
The variation between all the strains,
Pretty much covers the energetic spectrum,
and this can be manipulated for the needs of the individual.

If Science applied itself to learning
the frequencies available within the plant,
and the frequencies needed by specific conditions...
and this could be done even with a good classification system,
based upon effects... then the 
specific energetic colors defined 
that serve to balance 
out the blockages,
and over amplifications of energy.

It is a miracle drug that could Save the World.

So pay attention to who blocks it.....

They do not serve Humanity.

I think every politician should have to swear
with their actions and decisions.
And when they 
 serve just a small fraction,
who happen to pay well if you keep them rolling in it,
then they can no longer have the Job.
If you are not serving Humanity..
Hit the Road Toad.
Later Gater.

So in a nutshell.
We are energetic beings
Naturally of certain colors and hues in certain Blends.
There is a Healthy Natural Balance
that exists when one lives
a Healthy Natural Life....


That Quaker Granola and Youghert in a Plastic Cup..
doesn't cut it.

Gotta get Right (Natural) Energetically.

Quit consuming things your body does not recognize as Natural.
Because they are labelled as enemies by your Immune System,
and your body takes action to protect your dumb ass,
that just goes out and eats another 
energetic Nightmare.

And that action that the body takes,
has side effects,
that if this only occurred rarely,
would be no big deal.
But when 24/7 the body is basically under attack from Toxins that have no place in the Natural World.... The cumulative side effects
equate to Major Energetic,
and physical...
and for that matter, Astral
(hence all the Craziness)
Problems that beset Humanity.

Gotta quit that  Toxic Reality...

And Marijuana could fill in the Gaps.

But it is a Science.

Find the right Vibrational Fit..

Monday, March 2, 2015

SNOPES, Propaganda Arm of the 1%

A long time ago I realized that SNOPES was the propaganda arm of the 1%. It was so blatant.  Time after time I'd go there about things I knew to be factual.....and SNOPES would say ,"NOPE".
But being moderately intelligent I would scrutinize their material.  It didn't take much to see through their clever mind manipulating practices.  So every time I saw something below a post on Facebook where a Snopes article was cited, I'd kind of chuckle.  But you know I'm getting really tired of seeing my fellow man manipulated so a few PIGGIES that rob from the poor and middle class via death and destruction and misery of the masses.  Wars are created entirely for the profit of these few, the health of the masses is destroyed so that the Big Pharma/Insurance/Medical Machine can generate billions upon billions of dollars, almost entirely ending up in the pockets of 1% of the population.  So recently in a conversation with someone about the barbaric and destructive practice of vaccinations....they cited Snopes as proof that vaccinations are OK.  I just laughed.  Then the very next day I saw a Snopes citation beneath a very intelligently written and researched post. 
This is what the small teaser said:
1. Fraud at the CDC Uncovered? ••• 
Rumor: Data suppressed by the CDC proved that the MMR vaccine produces a 340% increased risk of autism in African-American boys.
  ...Claim: Data suppressed by the CDC proved that the MMR vaccine produces a 340% increased risk of autism in African-American boys. Example: [Collected...
  ...increased risk of autism among specific populations of African-American boys following MMR vaccinations went viral. The story seemed to disappear...
  ...Thompson's "confession," allegations about a "cover-up" at the CDC, and threats of whistleblower lawsuits was what should have been the main point: Did...

So I decided to see how they were going to twist this one for the 1%'s profit. 

It was Masterful.

You can look this up yourself by going to Snopes and typing in something like,"cdc whistleblower vaccination african". 

 Which is what I did.

The question is, did the CDC lie about an increased risk of Autism?
And the answer is a definitive YES!!! 
 And Snopes admits it,
 yet they very carefully bury this admission within a pile of stinky garbage that is meant to distract the reader.
 Very typical propaganda technique,
 Hitler would be impressed at how his tactics are used. 

Is the following true: Fraud at the CDC uncovered, 340% increased risk of autism hidden from public.

"FALSE" say's Snopes.

"OH, OK"
So it was a long meandering article using all the Key trigger words to distract the readers.
You can see this for yourself here

Of course buried in all the blah blah blah where very few will venture to read is this:

"William W. Thompson, PhD, Senior Scientist with the CDC has stepped forward and admitted the 2004 paper entitled "Age at first measles-mumps-rubella vaccination in children with autism and school-matched control subjects: a population-based study in metropolitan Atlanta," which has been used repeatedly by the CDC to deny the MMR-autism connection, was a fraud.

Dr. Thompson has admitted the 340% increase in boys receiving the MMR vaccine "on time," as opposed to delayed, was buried by himself, Dr. DeStefano, Dr. Bhasin, Dr. Yeargin-Allsopp, and Dr. Boyle ... Dr. Thompson first called and spoke with Dr. Brian Hooker, who then revealed the information to Dr. Andrew Wakefield and the Autism Media Channel.
On 27 August, Thompson released a statement via law firm Morgan Verkamp, LLC, confirming that he had spoken with Dr. Brian Hooker and that he had "omitted statistically significant information" from his study. Titled "STATEMENT OF WILLIAM W. THOMPSON, Ph.D., REGARDING THE 2004 ARTICLE EXAMINING THE POSSIBILITY OF A RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MMR VACCINE AND AUTISM," Thompson's statement began: 

I regret that my coauthors and I omitted statistically significant information in our 2004 article published in the journal Pediatrics. The omitted data suggested that African American males who received the MMR vaccine before age 36 months were at increased risk for autism. Decisions were made regarding which findings to report after the data were collected, and I believe that the final study protocol was not followed. "

HMM, that really sounds like an admission to me. In fact you can see his whole admission here if you want, as released by his attorneys.  HERE

So how is it that Snopes can say ,"False" in Large Print.... then admit it later on, where few will venture to tread.   
Well they are obviously well paid to lie, to lead the masses where the 1% wants them to blindly go.  
Well just for fun you might go to Snopes and type in, "Did the CDC lie about Vaccinations?"
Here's what you'll be led to.

 Once again this is very masterfully done, would convince anyone, That isn't paying attention. 

I love this line,"In 2011, the VSD (Vaccine Safety Datalink) studied the occurrence of specific adverse events following more than 600,000 doses of Gardasil. Adverse events in the HPV vaccinated population  (From June 2006 to March 2013, approximately 57 million doses of HPV vaccines were distributed and VAERS received approximately 22,000 adverse event reports occurring in girls and women who received them.)
were compared to another appropriate population (such as adolescents vaccinated with vaccines other than HPV) and included Guillain-BarrĂ© syndrome (GBS), stroke, venous thromboembolism (VTE), appendicitis, seizures, syncope (fainting), allergic reactions, and a potentially life-threatening allergic reaction called anaphylaxis. None of these adverse events were found to be any more common after HPV vaccination than among the comparison groups.

OK, so it's as bad as other vaccines.... 
Sorry that's not very soothing to know.

The fact is Gardasil is a sick joke.
  Rick Perry made it mandatory in Texas....I think he had stock in the company.
It kills, it maims, and who knows if it even works on humans....Nobody. They don't know...... 
Multiple COUNTRIES are suing the manufacturer because of the deaths it caused....
Gimme a freakin break.
If you want information about it you can get some good info  HERE.

SNOPES LIES very masterfully.

But only about things that will affect the bottom line of the 1%.
Telling the truth about other things allows them to appear credible to the non discerning masses.

So if you've heard some,"conspiracy theory"... and want to know the Truth about it.
Go to Snopes, and believe the opposite of what they tell you.